
In case you wish to share your memories of HMEM Nubar clubs or AGBU Egypt, please send us your picture(s) with a brief info about the content. Your contribution will develop and enrich our photo album.

The year’s highlights
–  Inauguration of the new HMEM Nubar Cairo club on the Baron Empain street in Heliopolis.
– Closure of the Nubar club of Shoubra El Balad. Transfer of all equipment and materials of the club to HMEM Nubar Heliopolis and auction sale of unwanted furniture.
– Transfer of HMEM sports teams and scouts movement from Nubarian school to the new HMEM Nubar club. Some Nubar club’s scouts transfer to Koubbe while the others, plus the sportsmen, who were already united since 1948, transfer to the new HMEM Nubar club.
– New headquarters and club bought for HMEM Nubar Alex and AGBU Alex.
– Fund raising activities for the new HMEM Nubar Cairo and Alexandria clubs.
– Opening of AGBU Cairo`s Yacoub Artin library for Armenian books and formation of the Armenian cultural youth committee headed by Miss Ovsana Kardashian.

The Heliopolis HMEM Club scouts transfer their headquarters and activities to the newly bought HMEM Nubar club of Baron Empain street.
Some of Shoubra’s Nubar club scouts, after the closure of the club, transfer their headquarters and activities to a privately owned premises and land in Koubbe, where they continue their activities under the leadership of scouts master Haroutioun Seksenian until his emigration in 1965.
Other Nubar club scouts continue their activities with the HMEM Nubar Heliopolis club’s scouts in their new club.

28 February
AGBU Cairo: AGBU General Assembly and Election of the new board (in alphabetical order); Koutnouian Herant, Djazmadarian Vahe, Djizmedjian Siroun, Etmekdjian Mihran, Ishkhanian Levon, Kehyaian Garbis, Kesedjian Zaven, Markarian Haroutioun, Movsesian Aram.

26 – 27 April
Ararat organizes the 12th Pan-Armenian Athletic games with the participation of HMEM Nubar Cairo and HMEM Alex teams as well as Ararat, Gamk and Near East.

AGBU Alexandria buys a 2 story villa and playground of 1602 m2 at Camp de Cesar for 19 000 LE. The building is 250 m2 and the playground will be used for HMEM’s athletics, basketball and scouts’ activities

New HMEM Nubar Cairo club at Baron Empain street: Completion of the construction works of the new Basketball ground and tribunes.

New HMEM Nubar Cairo club at Rue Empain: Completion of the construction works of the new scouts’ “Khetsig” opposite the completed basketball playing field.
Both branches of HMEM Nubar (The Shoubra and Helioplis branch) scouts contributed in the construction works of the one story stony building under the supervision of Toumig Sedefdjian.
One year later the wooden Khetsig of the Shoubra Nubar club is transported to the new HMEM Nubar club of Baron Empain street next to the newly constructed stony Khetsig.

30 August
AGBU Alex: Fund raising Grand Ball at the San Stefano Casino for AGBU Alex and HMEM Alex new club under the auspices of AGBU Alex chairman Yetvart Tashdjian.
The 800 LE income is spent on the AGBU Alex and HMEM Nubar Alex new club.

30 – 31 August
HMEM Alexandria celebrates HMEM’s founding 40th anniversary with a 2-day athletic and sports games in Alexandria stadium under the auspices of Arch. Mampre Sirounian and Mr. and Mrs. Mardig Zarbahnelian, chairman of the “Kaghakagan” and Mr. and Mrs. Aram Manougian, chairman of HMEM Alexandra. .
More than 200 Caireen and Alexandrian Armenian athletes participate in the games

New HMEM Nubar Cairo Heliopolis club fund raising second grand ball on the “Sudan” luxurious boat on the Nile organized by AGBU Cairo

25 October
AGBU Cairo organizes in the AUC, the anniversary of the Armenian alphabet’s discovery with the participation of all the Armenian schools, cultural and sports clubs of Cairo.

18 October – 2 November
New HMEM Nubar club inauguration
HMEM Nubar Cairo organizes, in its newly inaugurated HMEM Nubar Club in Baron Empain street, pan-Armenian basketball games on the “Stepan Kesedjian” Cup.

18 October: HMEM Nubar Cairo beats Near East, HMEM Nubar Cairo beats Ararat and Ararat beats Near East
1 November: Gamk beats HMEM Nubar Cairo and Ararat vs. HMEM Nubar Alex is abandoned due to dispute
2 November: HMEM Nubar Cairo beats HMEM Nubar Alex and Gamk – HMEM Ararat  66 – 54.
Winner of the Stepan Kesedjian Cup: Gamk

9 November
HMEM Nubar Cairo club fund raising bazaar organized by HMEM Nubar’s first ever “Dignants Hantsnakhoump” at the Armenian Patriarchate.
The first appointed “Dignants” members were: president: Verjin Mardirosian, vice-president: Alice Kehyaian, Treasurer: Armine Spendjian, secretary: Mary Boghigian, treasurer: Victoria Melemedjian, members: A. Djizmedjian, M. Beilerian, Semedjian, Goudsouzian.