
In case you wish to share your memories of HMEM Nubar clubs or AGBU Egypt, please send us your picture(s) with a brief info about the content. Your contribution will develop and enrich our photo album.

The year’s highlights
A united basketball team is formed from Egyptian Armenian players of Cairo and Alexandria clubs to play a friendly match against the national team of Ukrania .
– A new snooker table is bought and a special air-conditioned partition of the club house is re-arranged as billiards room..

Friday, 12 February
HMEM Nubar Cairo: Pastry bazaar.

Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 March
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: Table-Tennis matches held at the club between HMEM Nubar Alex and HMEM Nubar Cairo (all categories).

Sunday 1 March
Start of Kung-Fu lessons at the HMEM Nubar Cairo club

Friday 24 March
AGBU Cairo General Assembly and elections at the HMEM Nubar club:
President: Berdj Terzian, vice-president: Norair Doeuvletian, , secretary: Mardig Balaian, treasurer: Misak Chechenian. Members: Onnig Belekdanian, Onnig Garibian & Christapor Mikayelian

Sunday 2 April
AGBU Cairo: At the HMEM Nubar Cairo club: Video screening of two documentaries, “Discovery of New Armenia (A.G.B.U.)” and “Les Derniers Rois d’Arménie”  (XII-XIV century). The event is followed by a cocktail reception.

Saturday 17 June
AGBU Alexandria at Dikran Yergat Video screening of two documentaries, “Discovery of New Armenia (A.G.B.U.)” and “Les Derniers Rois d’Arménie ( XII-XIV century). The event is followed by a cocktail reception.

Friday 21 – 23 July
H.M.E.M Nubar Alex: Annual Basketball Tournament
21 July: Gamk/ Ararat  53 – 45
22 July: HMEM Nubar Alex defeats HMEM Nubar Cairo
23 July: Final: Gamk / HMEM Nubar Alex 72 – 58

Saturday 22 of July
HMEM Nubar Alex: Grand Ball Dinner with guest Singer “Marten Yorgantz” held at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel .

Friday 10 to Sunday 12 August
Gamk basketball tournament
10 August: HMEM Nubar Alex beats St. Therese, Ararat beats HMEM Nubar Cairo
11 August: Gamk / HMEM Nubar Alex 68 – 56
12 August: Final: Gamk beats Ararat by disqualification (stoppage at 39-36)

Friday 16 to Sunday 18 September
Ararat basketball tournament
16 September: Ararat beats St. Therese and HMEM Nubar Alex beats HMEM Nubar Cairo
17 September: Gamk / HMEM NUbar Alex   87 -66
18 September: Ararat / Gamk 77 – 66

Friday 13 – Sunday 15 October
HMEM Nubar Basketball Tournament .
13 October: Ararat  beats  St. Therese , HMEM Nubar Cairo beats HMEM Nubar Alex
14 October: Gamk / Ararat  52 – 51
15 Ocotber: Gamk / HMEM Nubar Cairo    58- 50

Friday  27 – Sunday 29 October
St Therese Basketball Tournament:
27 October: Ararat  beats HMEM Nubar Alex
28 Ocotber: Ararat  beats St. Therese,  Gamk / HMEM Nubar Cairo 45 -44
29 October: Gamk / Ararat 85 -80

Friday  3 –  Friday10 November
HMEM Nubar  Cairo football Tournament .

Friday 10 November
HMEM Nubar Cairo: Friendly basketball match between a selection of Egyptian Armenian players of Cairo and Alexandria clubs and the national team of Ukrania .

Saturday 9 December
HMEM Nubar Club:  A new snooker table is bought and a special air-conditioned partition of the club house is re-arranged as billiards room.

Sunday 17th of December
HMEM Nubar  Cairo: Christmas Bazaar .

Friday 22 December
HMEM Nubar  Cairo: “Gaghant Baba”.