
In case you wish to share your memories of HMEM Nubar clubs or AGBU Egypt, please send us your picture(s) with a brief info about the content. Your contribution will develop and enrich our photo album.

The year`s highlights
– HMEM Nubar Cairo wins for the first time the inter-clubs table tennis tournament held at the club.
– Several dance evenings and disco parties are held at HMEM Nubar Cairo and Alexandria (8 in total) animated by famous bands and singers such as The Merry Devils, The Ghosts, Mayada, etc..


Sunday 23 January
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: Sports day, lunch and dinner services – Friendly junior basketball match between HMEM Nubar Alexandria and St. Mary.

Sunday 20 February
HMEM Nubar Cairo: paper rally within the club’s premises, organised by the youth committee.

Sunday 27 February
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: U-14 four-team basketball tournament on the HMEM Cup. Participating teams: HMEM Nubar Cairo and Alexandria, Gamk and Ararat.

Thursday 24 March
HMEM Nubar Cairo: Celebration of Mother’s Day, cultural program, prizes for mothers, lunch service.

Wednesday 30 March to Saturday 2 April
HMEM Nubar Cairo: inter-clubs table-tennis competition around the Hagop M. Jamgotchian Challenge Cup. Under the auspices of Mr and Mrs Simon Simonian.
Results:1st game: Raffi Bosnoyan/ Vazken Ekserjian: 12-21, 21-16 and 19-21.
2nd game: Hrair Shahrozian/ Marzbed Artinian: 13-21 and 16-21
3rd double game: Antro Varjabedian and Yetvart Husseinjian/ Marzbed Artinian and Koko Yerzengatsian: 19-21, 21-8 and 22-20.
4th game: Yetvart Husseinjian/ Berge Torossian: 21-11 and 21-16.
The last game: Antro Varjabedian/ Koko Yerzengatsian: 15-21, 21-19 and 21-16.
Final Results: HMEM Nubar Cairo 3 – HKM 2
HMEM Nubar Cairo winner of the tournament

Monday 11 April
HMEM Nubar Cairo: celebration of Sham el Nessim: Gala-gala (magician) and games for children, dancing in the evening with the Invaders band.

Saturday 30 April
HMEM Nubar Cairo: open-air festivity, disco party and open-buffet.

Sunday 17 April
AGBU Cairo: Political and social debate evening in HMEM Nubar Cairo club organised by AGBU’s youth committee.

Friday 27 May
AGBU Alexandria in the Union’s headquarters: reception.

Friday 10 June
AGBU Alexandria in the Union’s headquarters: lecture evening. Lecturer Rev. Vahan Topalian. Subject: the Armenian rights in the international Holly places.

Friday 1 July
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: Athletic games for U-7 and U-12 boys and girls: 60, 100 and 200 metres race, long jump.

Friday 22 to Sunday 24 July
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: inter-clubs basketball competition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Revolution, under the auspices of Rev. Vahan Topalian and the Presidency of Mr and Mrs Vahan Alexanian. Cup offered by Mr and Mrs Vahram Tosounian. HMEM Nubar Cairo champion.
Result: HMEM Ararat/HMEM Nubar Cairo the latter wins the cup for the 32nd time with 43/41, in the absence of several key players.

Saturday 23 July
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: grand ball at the Yacht Club with the Friends band.

Saturday 30 July
HMEM Nubar Cairo: youth party in the club’s pergola with the Merry Devils band.

Sunday 21 August
HMEM Nubar Cairo: trip to Ein Sokhan at the Red Sea
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: kermesse prepared by the scouts and guides movement.

Friday 26 August
HMEM Nubar Alexandria table tennis tournament around HMEM Nubar Alexandria cup.

Sunday 11 April
HMEM Nubar Alexandria scouts movement: annual campfire on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Revolution.

Tuesday 13 September
HMEM Nubar Alexandria contest on sports knowledge for the under 13-16.

Sunday 25 September
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: sports day with athletic games.

Friday 7 to Sunday 9 October
HMEM Nubar Cairo: annual Inter-clubs basketball tournament under the auspices of Arc.. Zaven Tchinchinian and the Presidency Mr and Mrs Antranig Mesrobian. Cup and medals offered by Mr and Mrs Mike Zadourian.
On Saturday evening, after the game, party with the Merry Devils band.
Final match Result: HMEM Ararat/HMEM Nubar Cairo 60/44

The HMEM Nubar Cairo basketball team champion of the tournament

Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 November
Near East basketball tournament under the auspices of Mr. and Mrs. Hovagim Sirkedjian, Cups offered by Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Boghossian. HMEM Nubar Cairo beats Ararat in the final (result unavailable)

Friday 18 November
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: scouts movement: debate evening: should we be influenced by foreign habits?

Friday 30 December
HMEM Nubar Alexandria: celebration of Christmas and the New Years Eve

Saturday 31 December
HMEM Nubar Cairo celebration of the New Years Eve with the Ghosts band and the famous singer Mayada and her group.