
In case you wish to share your memories of HMEM Nubar clubs or AGBU Egypt, please send us your picture(s) with a brief info about the content. Your contribution will develop and enrich our photo album.

5 January: Khetoum celebration at HMEM Nubar Cairo’s old tennis court

2-4 February: Annual youth camp at HMEM Nubar Cairo

8 February: New basketball boards installed at HMEM Nubar Cairo

4 March:  AVC-AGBU Egypt plays Chess Games at “Chess Your child”

Thirteen young Armenian chess players of different ages ranging from 8-18 years old headed for “Passion Point, Chess Your Child” on Friday, March 3rd, 2017 for competing on the chess boards with their Egyptian opponents.

The occasion, which turned out to be a passionate cultural and community event, was held  in the framework of the cooperation between AVC-AGBU Egypt and Chess Your Child.

The bus full of excited Armenian players and their parents was welcomed warmly at the premises of “Chess Your Child” upon its arrival.

Anna Dolabjian, AVC Ambassador and Vartan Shoushanian, AVC Chess Teacher were among the arriving team and were met by chess teachers Eddy Kassabian and Khachig Kassabian, representing both AVC and Chess Your Child, who gave the young players the instructions on the rules and regulations of the game.

The event was opened by few words by Anna Dolabjian and a welcome note with explanation of the game rules by Ahmed El Gamal, CEO CYC. “We are happy to be at Passion Point of Mohamed Tohami, “Egypt’s best motivation speaker” and share his core passion –Chess!” mentioned Mrs. Dolabjian in her word. “When you do something with passion you succeed as Tohami has taught us. However, succeed in chess does not necessarily mean to win. It means to learn and grow with each move!”. “This is the start of a relationship, which will continue into a great cooperation and friendship.” she continued.

There was no time to waste and the young players settled for the long-awaited battles.

Two hours passed like a minute while the young minds explored the strategy and tactics of the ancient and wise game of chess.

The winners on both sides were identified based on the highest scoring in each of the age groups – below and above fourteen years old. The audience clapped at the announcement of the names as Sassoun Gerboyan and Abel Hakobyan the winners of the Armenian side shook hands and exchanged branded mugs with their Egyptian counterparts.

The teams parted with happy faces full of willingness and determination to meet again in the future and continue the started tradition.

With the objective the excel further the developing skills of the Armenian young players  the chess practice at AGBU Cairo on Fridays 11am-1pm continues throughout the term. The teaching team invites chess lovers of all ages starting from as young as 5 to join. Those who have not completed the AVC online chess are encouraged to do so with the next term in Spring. For registrations contact Khachig Kassabian at 01222501471.

11 March:  AGBU Cairo Holds Exhibition for Up-and-Coming Young Artist to Encourage Armenian Arts

On March 11, AGBU Cairo held a special exhibition for the up-and-coming Egyptian Armenian young painter Rita Kevorkian. The exhibition, dedicated to portrait figures of Egyptian Armenians, aimed to encourage artistic production among the young generation of Armenians, an encouragement which concurs with AGBU Cairo’s policy of increasing interest in the fine arts among Armenian youth.

Kevorkian’s exhibition was the perfect set up to highlight an exemplary young artist as a role model. Thirteen-year-old Kevorkian is a seventh grader at the Kalousdian-Nubarian School in Cairo , who has been taking personal painting  lessons, represents a new generation of Armenian artists in Egypt.

9 April: HMEM Nubar Cairo’s 2017 Easter Bazaar on Palm Sunday

 Hand-painted Easter eggs, plants and ornaments, homemade Easter baskets and traditional Armenian bread “Choerek” were among the many Easter delicacies put on sale on Palm Sunday 9th April 2017 at HMEM Nubar Cairo club. Easter bunnies, napkins and serving platters were just few of the many Easter decorations and utilities which were displayed beside the famous traditional Armenian food items like Lahmadjun, Pastrami, Soudjouk, Derevi Dolma and Kobeba.

The bazaar was opened by Mrs Houri Tutundjian Mikaelian the patron of the day, at around 1:30 pm. Once the ribbon was cut, the fervent shoppers rushed in to secure their crop of goodies and provisions which would last for several months to come. ..

The event was attended by around 150 guests who had come since noon to enjoy the nice weather and the lunch service provided in the sunny club garden.

The Ladies’ Committee of the club had been carefully preparing for the event several weeks in advance, gathering on two occasions the regular disposed ladies who are always keen to assist their favourite club whenever they are called upon whether to prepare the delicatessen offered on the bazaar or to plan the organisation of the event.

Well done ladies, the organisation was outstanding, the bazaar plentiful and abounding, the food delicious and the service provided very quick and efficient.

20 May: A commemorative evening in memory of AGBU Cairo’s main Patron Satenig Chaker

In remembrance of AGBU Cairo’s main Patron Mrs. Satenig Chaker who had passed away 35 years ago , a commemorative evening was organized on Saturday 20th May at AGBU Cairo’s Chaker Cultural Center to talk about her life and deeds.

AGBU Cairo Chairman Dr. Viken Djizmedjian, gave a brief about her life and achievements while AGBU Cairo honorary chairman Mr. Berdj Terzian gave a detailed account of the circumstances and the difficulties which were encountered in the execution of her major donation to AGBU.

4 June:  Dr. Nairy Hampigian’s lecture on the Amenhoteb III temple discovery and works in Luxor

 A captivating lecture on the discovery works of the Amenhoteb III temple of Luxor and the Memnon statutes was given by Architect Dr. Nairy Hampigian at HMEM Nubar Cairo upon an initiative from AGBU Cairo and the co-organization of HMEM Nubar Cairo’s board.

From start till end, the audience was fascinated with the enthralling lecture in which Dr. Nairy was able to catch the full attention of the presence throughout the whole 75 minutes, the duration of the lecture.

The lecture started with the presentation of the guest speaker Dr. Nayri Hampigian by the chairman of AGBU Cairo, Dr. Viken Djizmedjian who brought up Dr. Nayri’s impressive CV, which includes among other accounts of success, her PHD degree in Archeology and two Master degrees in the history of Islamic and Armenian architecture, her refurbishment and conservation works of historical edifices such as Al-Salihiyya madrasa and minaret in Bayn al-Qasrayn , the Conservation Project of Bab Zuwayla and the Imam al-Shafi’i, as well as the Conservation Projects of the Armenian Church in Ramses Street, the Historic Chapel at Marmina in Old Cairo, the Amenayn Serpots church and the Catholic Armenian Church in Downtown Cairo. Dr. Nayri has also written more than 22 articles and researches on different subjects.

The lecture which captivated the audience because of its intriguing and fascinating nature, made the presence realize the enormity of the work done by Dr. Nairy Hampigian since 1998, along with another valuable Armenian lady, the World famous Egyptologist, Dr. Hourig Suruzian, the overall director of the project, with the aim of bringing to life a colossal Pharaonic archeolocal site.

After the end of the lecture Mr. Jirayr Depoyan, the chairman of HMEM Nubar Cairo, thanked Dr. Nairy Hampigian for her enthralling lecture giving her a souvenir present on behalf of the club’s board. He also thanked AGBU Cairo, which working with HMEM Nubar realized this remarkable and attention-grabbing lecture.

14 June:  AVC-AGBU Egypt Spring 2017 Term Graduation of 29 students

 AVC-AGBU Egypt has happily marked the graduation of the Armenian Language Spring Term 2017 on June 14, 2017.

It was an open event attended by students, AVC and AGBU Cairo officials and Armenian Community members and held cordially at the Goganian Armenian Club. 29 Students celebrated their achievements and graduation by receiving their AVC-AGBU certificates from AVC Armenia.

The event started with a warm welcome by the Master of Ceremony Mrs. Anna Dolabjian-Trayan, AVC Ambassador in Egypt, after which the floor was taken by the Students of Level 1 and Level 2, who said their words from heart in Armenian. Special thanks goes to their teacher Mrs. Sylva Bayramian-Simonian for the preparations.

A surprise video clip dedicated to the Movie “The Promise” was compiled by the two groups of Level 3 under the enthusiastic leadership of their teacher Mrs. Lala Shamamian-Nigolian. A beautiful piece of art designed and compiled by the talented student Mrs. Nadine Hallal-Gowigati, it touched the hearts of the audience with the wishful contemplations and emotions of pride expressed by the students.

The most amazing was that “the Voice from Egypt, this hospitable land on the Nile, was heard in the beautiful Armenian Language,   which the students had mastered with so much love through their hard work and dedication!” mentioned Mrs. Anna Dolabjian.

The highlight of the day was the comprehensive lecture by Dr. Viken Djizmedjian, Chairman AGBU Cairo under the title “The History of Armenians in Egypt”. This was a product of thorough research and a skilfully summarized coverage of the role that the Armenians have played throughout the history of Egypt and their current presence in the country as a valuable minority.

“AVC-AGBU Egypt is growing with the opening of Language Level 4 in fall term 2017. The second department, Chess, is going through transformation. With the introducing of Chess Level 4 in summer by AVC, the opportunity will be open for senior students to continue on with their hybrid studies. On the other hand with the flow in of the generation of young kids specially tailored programs for Egypt will be prepared. The tireless efforts of AVC-AGBU Egypt’s chess teachers and strong back up by AVC Armenia will create all the flexibility needed for moving forward. The recently introduced all-Armenian tournaments with the Egyptian counterparts are also a way to activate the interest of the Community towards the “Armenian” game of Chess.” concluded Mrs. Anna Dolabjan-Trayan.

The best part was left for the end where the students received their certificates and the celebrations began accompanied with a light reception.

AVC-AGBU Egypt doors are open for registrations for Fall Term 2017. For Language contact Mrs. Ani-Boghossian-Tashjian, AVC-AGBU Coordinator at 01223197455. For Chess – Mr. Khachig Kassabian, AVC-AGBU Chess Teacher at 01222501471.

23 June: Second Youth Chess Tournament

 The warm summer evening of Friday, June 23 was memorable at HMEM Nubar Cairo. The Armenian Sports Club hosted Egyptian young visitors, their parents, teachers and management from Chess Your Child. The group, who had come at the cordial invitation of AVC-AGBU Chess Egypt and AGBU Cairo for the Second Youth Chess Tournament together.

“This is a continuation of the tradition we started back in March 2017” stated Mrs. Anna Dolabjian-Trayan AVC Ambassador in Egypt in her speech. “We are happy that it is taking place in the very special holy month of Ramadan”.

The event was marked with a Ramadan Iftar together, after which the friendly matches started carefully planned by Mr. Khachig Kassabian, AVC-AGBU and CYC Chess Teacher.

“There is no Winning in chess…” Mrs. Anna Dolabjian noted, “…and there is only Winning!” she added with a smile referring to the accepted worldwide positive educational and cognitive effect of chess for achieving success in life.

The five winners from both sides were given nice gifts of Chess Roll Up Boards while all participants received Certificates of Participation as a token of memory from the event.

“We thank our Armenian friends for the generous invitation and will look forward to more cooperation together” stated Mr. Ahmed El Gamal, CEO of Chess Your Child.

AVC-AGBU Chess Egypt and Chess Your Child are dedicated to continue their work on training and coaching of young starters and amateurs into future professional chess players.

1 July: HMEM Nubar Cairo’s trip to Labranda Royal Makadi

 In one of its most enjoyable trips to date, HMEM Cubar Cairo organized a trip during the Adha feast from 25 to 29 June 2017 to Hurghada’s Labranda Royal Makadi Hotel with the participation of around 85 persons in what can be described as an exceptional summer spree among friends and family.

The annual trip which is organized by HMEM Nubar Cairo was special this year because of the unprecedented number of participants, the quality of the hotel and the excellent concord and high mood of the vacationers.

The 5 day pleasure trip which included many fun filled indulging moments, dinner outings, relaxation, sunbathing, swimming and lots of food and drinks, was one of the best ever organized by the club thanks to the efforts of the organizers and mainly Hratch Sevadjibashian whose careful planning and efforts ensured the success of this wonderful trip.

The participants were unanimous in demanding another trip before the end of the summer season

21 July:  HMEM Nubar Cairo lifts the first cup of the 2017 season

 HMEM Nubar Cairo’s players lifted the trophy of HMEM Nubar Alexandria’s basketball tournament, the first cup of the Egyptian Pan-Armenian basketball tournaments of the 2017 season.

In the final match, the champions defeated the hosts, HMEM Nubar Alexandria with the score of 72-61 (43-27).

The tournament had started on Friday 18th July with two matches; the first between HMEM Nubar Alex and Homenetmen Gamk  65-36  (36-18)  and the second between Homenetmen Ararat and St. Therese 61-39  (31-15).

On Saturday 19th July the HMEM Nubar Cairo defeated  Homenetmen Ararat 60-42 (19-11,41-24, 60-42). The match was characterized by the participation of young players and the absence of the known senior figures of both teams .

After the match and the friendly and usual “Hard luck” and “Mabrouk” exchange of words between the players, fans and officials of the two teams, the presence took off to the Syrian Club in down town Alexandria,  where HMEM Nubar Alexandria had organized an enjoyable and congenial Gala dancing dinner on the tunes of DJ Ike.

On Sunday 20h July it was time for the final match between the hosts HMEM Nubar Alex and their counterparts of Cairo.

The tournament was held under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian, the Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Egypt and the chairmanship of Mr. & Mrs. Nubar Simonian, the Chairman of Cairo’s Armenian Community Council. The men’s cup was offered by Mrs. Ani Artinian, Ms. Tanya and Dr. Vahe Artinian in memory of their beloved husband and father, Dr. Arto Artinian, longtime member of HMEM Nubar Alexandria’s Executive board. The medals were offered by Mr. & Mts. Vart Alexanian

20 August:  HMEM Nubar Cairo wins the second cup of the 2017 Egyptian Pan Armenian basketball season

HMEM Nubar Cairo continued its winning performance of Egyptian Pan Armenian basketball tournaments by lifting Homenetmen Gamk’s cup last Sunday 20th August 2017 after a great competitive match defeating Homenetmen Ararat 74/54 (33-26) in the final.

The tournament was held with the absence of St. Therese which withdrew because of technical reasons as expresses by the club’s board in a letter sent to the organizing committee of tournaments and the participating teams.

In the opening game held on Saturday 19th August,  Homenetmen Ararat defeated hosts  Homenetmen Gamk 66/48 (26/24) while HMEM Nubar Cairo beat HMEM Nubar Alex 83/42 (37/15).

Saturday’s matches were followed by a garden dinner party.  It was an excellent occasion to gather the youth and supporters of the Armenian clubs in an enjoyable cheerful ambience.

The curtain opener for the final of the men’s tournament was a girls’ game between Homenetmen Ararat and Homenetmen Gamk 52/33.

This was followed by the men’s final which saw an exciting match between HMEM Nubar Cairo’s basketballers and Homenetmen Ararat’s high spirited players who played an excellent mach against the robust and high-class players and the reigning champions HMEM Nubar Cairo, who kept their score superiority straight throughout the match.

It is to be mentioned that the cup was lifted by HMEM Nubar Cairo’s long time popular player Mike Nabil, who announced his retirement after more that 20 years at the service of the club.

The tournament was held under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Ashod Mnasaganian, the Primate of the Armenian Apostolic church and the chairmanship of Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Benohanian. The men’s and girls’ cup were offered by Mr. & Mrs. Berdj Mikdjian.

24 September:  HMEM Nubar Cairo lifts the senior men’s and girls’ cups of Homenetmen Ararat’s tournament

 HMEM Nubar Cairo’s basketballers lifted the two seniors’ cups of Homenetmen Ararat’s Egyptian Pan-Armenian basketball tournament by winning the final match of the senior’s men tournament against the hosts 77-64 (60-43) and the girls match against Homenetmen Ararat 50-48 (38-35).

The tournament saw the participation of four teams only after St. Therese’s announcement earlier in August of its absence in this year’s remaining Pan-Armenian basketball tournaments.

On Thursday 21st September, the tournament had started with Homenetmen Ararat defeating Homentmen Gamk  68-35, while on Friday 22nd HMEM Nubar Cairo defeated HMEM Nubar Alex 75-50.

U-14 girls and boys matches were also played between Homenetmen Ararat’s juniors and Heliolido during the 3 day tournament which was held from 21 to 23 September 2017.

In the much awaited girls match on Friday 22nd September HMEM Nubar Cairo defeated Homenetmen Ararat 50-48 (13-11, 22-20, 38-35, 50-48) after an exciting match which could have gone either way. The two teams advanced on equal pace all throughout the match, with the girls of HMEM Nubar being in advance in most periods of the game.

Thanks to the their determination and team play, the girls of HMEM Nubar Cairo hung out to their continuous advance to grasp the final notch and lift the well-deserved trophy. Hard luck to Homenetmen Ararat for playing real well and fighting hard and congratulations to HMEM Nubar Cairo’s girls who are still on the winning track… just like the boys..

The men’s final on Saturday, HMEM Nubar Cairo defeated Homenetment Ararat 77-64 (13-15, 34-28, 60-43, 77-64).

After a tangled start, Homenetmen Ararat’s players advanced in the first quarter thanks to their compliant and organized play to end the first quarter to their advantage. But the situation changed completely starting from the 2nd quarter when waves of intense attacking upsurges from HMEM Nubar Cairo stretched the score to 34-24 in the 2nd quarter, to a further 60-43 in the 3rd, but cooling down the game in the final quarter when they fielded the younger players to close down to the final score of 77-64.

The tournament was held under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian, the Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Egypt with His Grace Bishop Krikor Augostinos Coussan, the Primate of the Armenian Catholic church of Egypt and Jerusalem & HE Dr. Armen Melkonian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Egypt as honorary guests.

The tournament was held under the presidency of Mr. & Mrs. Shunt Gabeyan, the Chairman of the Houssaper Cultural Association, the senior men’s cup was offered by Mr. & Mrs. Ara Koehnelian, the senior girls cup by Mr. & Mrs. Manoug Bohdjalian, the U-14 boys cup by Mr. & Mrs. Sherif Koloian and the U-14 girls cup by Mr. & Mrs. Varouj Chilinguirian.

Congratulations to HMEM Nubar Cairo for its double win. The basketballers of the club have proved their merit once again and have delighted their fans, providing them with the gratifying pleasure and thrill of triumph.

Congratulations also to Homenetmen Ararat for their excellent organization of the tournament which concurred this year with the celebrations of our motherland’s 26th anniversary of independence.

8 October:  HMEM Nubar Cairo lifts the senior boys’ and girls’ cup of its 2017 basketball tournament

 HMEM Nubar Cairo wrapped up its successful basketball tournament, the last of the 2017 season, by lifting the all five trophies of this basketball jamboree. The first cup was the one of the men’s Egyptian Pan-Armenian basketball tournament, the second was the one reserved for the winner of the girls’ match between HMEM Nubar Cairo and Homenetmen Ararat, the third was the U-18 cup won by the youngsters of HMEM Nubar Cairo against their counterparts of Heliopolis SC. The last two cups were the ones for the girls’ and boys’ mini basket teams.

The three day basketball tournament was opened on Thursday 5th October by the match between HMEM Nubar Cairo & Homenetmen Gamk 62-30 (43-13) preceded by the U-18 boys’ match between HMEM Nubar Cairo and Tayaran 88-32 .

On the second day of the tournament, a Mini basket match was held between the girls of HMEM Nubar Cairo and Heliolido 26-21 followed by the day’s highlight; the senior girls’ match between HMEM Nubar Cairo and Homenetmen Ararat which ended with a surprising easy win for HMEM Nubar Cairo 64-36 (41-14). The last match held between the two teams two weeks earlier had ended with a narrow win for HMEM Nubar Cairo, a result which had the audience anticipating for a retribution match. But that was definitely not the case of the day.

This was followed by the senior boys’ match between Homenetmen Ararat and HMEM Nubar Alex 66-58  (12-18, 26-33, 50-47, 66-58).

On the third and final day of the tournament, the line-up of matches started with a mini basket boys’ match between HMEM Nubar and Heliolido followed by the veterans’ match between a selection of 40ish and 50ish “young” players from the five Egy-Armenian clubs and the Misr Petrolum team.

The final match was held between the traditional top two of these Pan-Armenian tournaments: HMEM Nubar Cairo and Homenetmen Ararat. The match ended in favour of the reigning champions 87-55 (23-18, 48-29, 71-41, 87-55) allowing the home team to lift the last cup of the 2017 season.

Well done boys and girls for your efforts in holding on to your previous wins of past tournaments and hard luck to Homenetmen Ararat.

The tournament was held under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian, the Primate of the Armenian Apostolic church of Egypt with the high presence of His Grace Krikor Agostinos Kousa, the Primate of the Armenian Catholic Church. The men’s cup was offered by Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Karagozian, the senior girls’ cup by Mr. & Mrs. Kevork Avanian, the juniors boys’ cup by Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Apigian, the boys’ Mini-basket cup by Mr. & Mrs. Garen Touloumbadjian and the girls’ mini basket cup by Marlo Simoinian. The medals were offered by Mr. & Mrs. Vart Alexanian.

25 October:  AGBU Cairo organizes an informative evening on the 6th Armenia- Diaspora Conference

AGBU Cairo organized on Wednesday 15th October 2017, at its Chaker Cultural center in Heliopolis an informative evening presented by Mr. Berdj Terzian, the Honorary chairman of AGBU Cairo, on the 6th Armenia-Diaspora conference held from 18 to 20 September 2017 in Yerevan.

In this get-together, Mr. Berdj Terzian, gave details on the purpose of this conference and the personalities who were invited to attend, giving information on the agenda and the nature of the discussions which were held during the 3-day conference.

He also gave reading, through his wife Mrs. Seta, the invitation letter sent to the delegates, his proposal letter sent to the Ministry of Diaspora and the declaration statement decreed after the conference on the resolutions reached in the conference.

He also answered to to the questions of the presence on the benefits and the impact of this conference, and the previous five held so far, stirring questions which he answered in all objectivity and impartiality

26 October:  The third volume of “Armenia and Armenians in the Arab Press 1876-1923” published

The third of the Seven-Volume massive project “Armenia and Armenians in the Arab Press 1876-1923” has just been published by AGBU Cairo.

This 3rd volume which comes in 780 pages is entitled “Armenians and the Young Turks 1897-1908”. It reports the period after the Hamidian massacres (1894-1896) until the Ottoman coup of 24 July 1908 as published in the Arab press during that period. The press articles appearing in this third volume describe the violence and killings perpetrated by the regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid the 2nd in suppressing Armenian nationalistic attempts.

It is to be noted that AGBU Cairo has started this gigantic project in 2001 through a team of historians led by Dr. Mohamed Refaat Al Imam, gathering the articles written about Armenians and the Armenian question from 1876 to 1923 in 383 Arabic newspapers and periodicals from the archives of the Egyptian National Library. In total 36 000 pages of articles are being used in these 7 volumes, the first volume of which was launched by AGBU Cairo in May 2016. Some of these volumes will come in several books each, due to the sheer size if their content.

19 November:  Two captivating lectures by Dr. Kevork Yazedjian at AGBU Cairo

AGBU Cairo invited Lebanese Armenian researcher, writer and scholar Dr. Kevork Yazedjian for two interesting lectures at AGBU Cairo’s Chaker Cultural Center in Heliopolis, the first on Kilikia’s Catholicus Karekin Hovsepyan on Wednesday 13 November, and the second on Saturday 18 November 2018 on the setback of Gars battle.

Dr. Kevork Yazedjian was also the corrector/reviser of the Arabic translation of Dr. Raymond Kevorkian’s “The Armenian Genocide” book published by AGBU Cairo in April 2016.

The first lecture on Catolicus Karekin Hovsepyan, was about the Holiness’s life and achievements and his visits to Egypt in the forties and his meetings with the Egyptian Armenian community. The second lecture on Saturday 15th November was on the setback of the Gars Battle in 1920, the factors which led to this defeat, and the lessons drawn from this dark spot of Armenian history.

The lectures were followed by questions and answers between the audience and the speaker, enriching furthermore the two topics which were skillfully handled by Dr. Kevork Yazedjian, thanks to his flowing wealth of knowledge and captivating way of presentation.

26 November:  HMEM Nubar Cairo elects its new board

 HMEM Nubar Cairo conducted the elections of its Executive board on Sunday 26th November 2017 for the 2017-2021 mandate, under the supervision of representatives of the Egyptian Olympic committee and the Ministry of Youth and sports headed by Counselor Mostafa Shaaban.

Out of 221 members having voting rights, 147 members attended to vote  in what can be considered as a positive and active involvement of club members in the process.

The new elected board is now formed of the following persons:
Chairman: Depoyan Jirayr, Vice-chairman: Touloumbadjian Garen, Treasurer: Avanian Kevork, Members: Dertadian Herayr, Hagopian Sossi, Simonian, Roupen, Simonian Nairy, Varjabedian Garo
U-30 members: Belekdanian Saro, Kalenian Hraztan.

Co-opted members will be appointed by the Executive Board on a later date.

Congratulations and wishes of success to the new board in continuation of the flourishing path paved by previous club Executive boards throughout its 60 years of history after the unison of AGBU’s Nubar and HMEM clubs in 1958.

16 December:  AGBU Cairo’s 2017 Bright Students Awards

AGBU Cairo organised on Friday 15th December 2017, its annual Egyptian Armenian bright students’ awards ceremony at HMEM Nubar Cairo. Certificates of excellence, presents and cash prizes were given to Cairo’s and Alexandria’s Armenian students who have accomplished distinguished results in the 2016-2017 educational year. The awards, which are distributed  since 2001 thanks to AGBU Cairo’s Satenig Chaker fund, comes as an appreciation and encouragement to our community’s bright students’ educational achievements.

This year 25 students were awarded, 16 from Cairo and 9 from Alexandria which included graduates of the past 3 years.

For Primary Stage students, from Cairo 6 graduates were awarded: Manuel Joseph Kevorkian 97.7%, Daniel Sarkis Zerdelian 97.1, Lorin Loris Keuhnelia 96.4%, Tara Hayg Tchaghalanian 92.8%, Tia Berdj Der Nersessian 92.8%, Jeano George Sabagh 92.8%.

From Alexandria in the same category: Manuela Mihran Kalaydjian 97%, Sandra Garbis Djerdjerian 95%, Sevan Garbis Djerdjerian 92%, Lydia Kevork Mazloumian 90%.

For the Preparatory stage, 5 graduates from Cairo were awarded: Mane Hagop Sayan 99%, Loredana Raffi Megerdichian 98%, Jessica Garo Koumrouyan 97%, Maria Hrayr Dertadian 97%, Edouard Robert Naguib 94%.

For the Secondary stage the graduate from Cairo was Rita Jean Iskenderian Fr. Bac. and from Alexandria Dikran Edoyard Baharian Am. Dipl. 3.342

For University graduates from Cairo the graduates with the grade Very Good were George Nagui Botros (Civil Engineering) and Daniel Nourhan Kurkdjian (Dentistry). From Alexandria Kareen Armen Kavoukdjian (Dentistry) and Sarkis Samuel Mouradian (Civil Engineering).

For Masters degree from Alexandria: Sylvia Kevork Kavoukdjian (Management) and for PHD degrees Arto Onnig Belekdanian and Kevork Wanis Kazandjian.

The awards were handed out to the students through the board members of the AGBU Cairo.

Before the award proceedings a word of encouragement and congratulations was made by the chairman of AGBU Cairo Dr. Viken Djizmedjian. Three short films were then screened about the lost Armenians of Turkey and the Turkish Armenian community.

Besides the certificates of appreciation, books were awarded as well as cash prizes: For Primary stage graduates: 250 LE, for Preparatory stage students: 500 LE and for Secondary stage graduates: 1000 LE. The cash prizes are for those who have obtained marks of 90% and more. For university graduates with “Very Good” grades the prize is 1500 LE and those with “Excellent” marks it is 2000 LE.
For Masters the cash prize is 2500 LE and for PHD it is 5000 LE.

 30 December:  HMEM Nubar Cairo’s 2017 Christmas Bazaar

 The traditional annual Christmas bazaar of HMEM Nubar Cairo was held on Friday 29th December 2017 at the club in a cheerful and festive atmosphere.

The Christmas food & decoration bazaar was opened at 1:30 pm by Mrs. Alice Terzian, the guest of honour of this yearly festive event and who seized the occasion to thank the board and ladies committee for this bazaar. Besides the Armenian food & delicious treats there were some Christmas decorations and knick-knacks. On sale there were many delicious items like Mante, sudjuk & pastrami, Kobeba, Kété, and Topig and an excellent choice of pastry, Christmas cakes, muffin and cookies, which all went out of stock in no time in spite of the abundance of the quantities.

The ladies committee of HMEM Nubar Cairo did a tremendous job in preparing the event and gathering the skilful Armenian ladies to prepare the Mante and the food displayed in the bazaar. They worked hard during the past few weeks to ensure the success of this event.

Soon after the delicious lunch prepared by the newly appointed chef, the infamous gift distributing Gaghant Baba showed up to the joy of the children.

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