HMEM Nubar’s annual Easter Bazaar

April 16, 2023

On the sunny morning of Sunday April 2nd, 2023, on the day of Palm Sunday, HMEM Nubar Cairo hosted its annual Easter Bazaar bringing together dozens of Armenians of all ages.

As always, family and friends gathered in a warm atmosphere of love and joy, sharing together all the beautiful feelings that come along the festive spring season. The cutting of the ribbon was done by Mrs. Sarine Najarian – Avakian, the patron of the day, had a great variety of Armenian traditional foods as well as Easter specials like Cheurek. The bazaar was followed by lunch and the event continued until sundown.

AGBU Egypt Young professionals (YPs) with Arine Ghazarian (third from the right), AGBU’s Regional director of the Middle East


Christmas Celebrations at HMEM Nubar Cairo – Jingle & Mingle

December 30, 2022

Christmas Celebrations at HMEM Nubar Cairo – Annual Bazaar

December 30, 2022

Հ.Մ.Ը.Մ. Արարատի տարեկան մրցաշարը

November 29, 2022

Սրբուհի Թերեզայի պասքէթ-պոլի մրցաշարը

November 21, 2022