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Elsi Beylerian passes away

May 29, 2016

One of AGBU Cairo's few faithful remaining patrons passed  away on May 29th. Ms Elsie Beylerian passed away at the Armenian Home for the elderly in Heliopolis after age related chronic ailment. La...

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Daron Gabeyan and Aspe Djizmedjian tie the knot

October 16, 2021

AGBU Cairo member and HMEM Nubar Cairo's former basketball player Aspe Djizmedjian got married with Daron Gabeyan on 16th October 2021. The Holy Matrimony was held at the St. Gregory the Illuminato...

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Captain Dawly (Garbis Kalpakian) passes away

July 15, 2018

After a three-month long severe ailment, Garbis Kalpakian passed away this morning at the Mina Tower Hospital in Heli...

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