Saint Therese basketball tournament

01 November 2019

The schedule of the matches

Saturday 2 November

7:30 pm: Boys: Game 1: HMEM Nubar Alex / HMEM Nubar Cairo

9:00 pm: Girls:  Game 2: HMEM Nubar Alex / HMEM Nubar Cairo

Sunday 3 November

8:30 pm: Boys final: Saint Therese / Winner of Game 1

The matches are held under the auspices of His Grace Monsignor Krikor Augostinos Coussa, Bishop of the Armenian Catholics of Egypt, the men’s cup offered by Mr. & Mrs. Krikor Michaelian, the girls’ cup is offered by Mr. & Mrs. Sherif Badra


HMEM Nubar Cairo General Assembly

13 October 2019

The program of HMEM Nubar Cairo’s basketball tournament 4 to 6 October 2019

04 October 2019