About AGBU Egypt
At the beginning of the 20th century, during a period of great difficulties, a group of Egyptian Armenian intellectuals, understanding the urgent need to create a strong non-political organization capable of extending instant aid to all Armenians, met together and set the foundations of our important Organization.
The group, led by Boghos Nubar Pasha, met on Easter day, at the Nubar mansion in Heliopolis Cairo, to sign the founding charter of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The founding members were: Boghos Nubar, president; Yacoub Artin and Yervant Agathon, vice-presidents; Megerdich Antranigian, treasurer and Dr. Nazaret Dagavarian, secretary along with Krikor Yeghiaian, Garabed Sheridjian, Arakel Nubar, Megerdich Margosoff, and Hovhannes Hagopian as board members. The first few years of AGBU were devoted primarily to the development of the organizational machinery and the extension of grants and subsidies to a number of schools and orphanages.